Back in 2018, my book "Interviews and Obituaries" was reviewed by Harfang, a French Canadian magazine with an interest in politics and culture. The review was by Marie Groulx under the title "Éclectique Liddell." Here is the French text:
Dans notre dernière édition, nous vous présentions Colin Liddell, animateur du site Affirmative Right, anciennement connu sous le nom d’Alternative Right. Cette année, il a signé son premier ouvrage, un livre dans le style de ceux souvent publiés par la droite alternative : une collection de textes pour la plupart déjà parus en ligne ou dans différentes revues. Mais là s’arrêtent les similitudes : contrairement à ses collègues, son ouvrage n’est pas une Å“uvre prosélyte ou politique visant à convaincre, mais un ouvrage réellement personnel dans lequel on découvre Liddell, l’homme. Ce ne sont pas des essais divers ou des commentaires sur l’actualité qui sont ici présentés, mais uniquement des entretiens, ainsi que des notices nécrologiques à propos de gens qui ont marqué l’histoire, mais surtout la culture. Journaliste reconnu au Japon, il a ainsi interviewé Iron Maiden, la veuve de Jim Morrisson et John Lydon des Sex Pistols, ainsi que d’autres personnalités de la culture « mainstream ». Via ses eulogies, il nous offre son point de vue personnel concernant John Lennon, Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela et autres. De prime abord déconcertant, le livre séduit tant par son originalité que par le nombre et la diversité des sujets retenus. Liddell n’est pas un conformiste et ne peut être limité à une étiquette réductrice. Ceux qui en doutaient y trouveront ici la preuve. Liddell, Colin (2018) Interviews & Obituaries. Samizdat. 127 p.
Now in English:
Now in English:
Eclectic Liddell
In our last edition, we introduced you to Colin Liddell, host of the site Affirmative Right, formerly known as Alternative Right. This year, he published his first work, a book in the style of those often published by the alternative right: a collection of texts, most of which have already appeared online or in different magazines. But there the similarities end: unlike his colleagues, his work is not a proselytizing or political work aimed at convincing, but a truly personal work in which we discover Liddell, the man. These are not various essays or comments on current events that are presented here, but only interviews, as well as obituaries about people who left their mark on history, but especially culture. A recognized journalist in Japan, he has interviewed Iron Maiden, the widow of Jim Morrisson and John Lydon of the Sex Pistols, as well as other personalities of "mainstream" culture. Through his eulogies, he offers us his personal point of view regarding John Lennon, Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela and others. At first glance disconcerting, the book seduces as much by its originality as by the number and diversity of the subjects chosen. Liddell is not a conformist and cannot be limited to a reductive label. Those who doubted it will find proof here. Liddel, Colin (2018) Interviews & Obituaries. Samizdat. 127 pp.
In our last edition, we introduced you to Colin Liddell, host of the site Affirmative Right, formerly known as Alternative Right. This year, he published his first work, a book in the style of those often published by the alternative right: a collection of texts, most of which have already appeared online or in different magazines. But there the similarities end: unlike his colleagues, his work is not a proselytizing or political work aimed at convincing, but a truly personal work in which we discover Liddell, the man. These are not various essays or comments on current events that are presented here, but only interviews, as well as obituaries about people who left their mark on history, but especially culture. A recognized journalist in Japan, he has interviewed Iron Maiden, the widow of Jim Morrisson and John Lydon of the Sex Pistols, as well as other personalities of "mainstream" culture. Through his eulogies, he offers us his personal point of view regarding John Lennon, Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela and others. At first glance disconcerting, the book seduces as much by its originality as by the number and diversity of the subjects chosen. Liddell is not a conformist and cannot be limited to a reductive label. Those who doubted it will find proof here. Liddel, Colin (2018) Interviews & Obituaries. Samizdat. 127 pp.
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